Government to set up rent to own housing units across the country

Government to set up rent to own housing units across the country

Housing state minister, Persis Namuganza, the State minister, Lands, Housing and Urban Development , has unveiled plans by the government to start acquiring land in various urban areas across the country where they will set up housing units for the public to acquire.

“The government is thinking about plans of bringing a project that will be done under Private Public Partnership (PPP) whereby some of the developers have already met the president and have been sent to the Ministry of finance to study the cost of their housing units,” she said.

Persis made this revelation as she participated at St. Stephen’s day prayer at her residence in Kiraira village, Bulyango parish, Kitoba Sub-County in Hoima district.

The scheme will enable the tenants who rent these house units to acquire them through purchase if they wish with a duration of 15 years which will enable them to transition from tenants to home owners.

“We want to introduce what we are calling rent to own whereby good houses will be built and given to the people as they pay rent to the government but they will be paying to own them and for the period of about 10-15 years, the house Will become theirs,” she added.

The Minister’s remarks come at the back of concerns, backed by the recently released Census report about the shortage of housing stock in Urban areas.


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