There was drama in Mulungwa, Kween District whereby 7 people who had been circumcised from the hospital were on Thursday circumcised for the second time culturally from home.
The 7 men were circumcised on Wednesday after a day and night of dancing to the cultural and traditional songs.
According to the sources, the 7 men had to take the second decision to be circumcised from home after several denial of enjoying traditional drinks (komeek) during circumcision.
According to Sabiny culture, during the circumcision period, people who are circumcised from hospital are not allowed to cross anywhere near the boys being prepared for circumcision. Additionally, they can’t drink from the same pot of local brew (komeek) with those who were circumcised from home culturally.
This is the second time within a period of one week whereby men who had been circumcised from hospital are being cut again for the second time.
Another one was circumcised last week from Barsar ward, West division, kapchorwa Municipality.
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