UNEB PLE 2024 Results for Faith Homes Primary School, Kapchorwa District

UNEB PLE 2024 Results for Faith Homes Primary School, Kapchorwa District

The Uganda National Examination Board on Thursday released the PLE results and here is the pupil’s performance for Faith Homes Primary School in Kapchorwa District. The pupils showcased  commendable academic performance.

Summary of Performance:

Total Candidates: 57

Male: 32

Female: 25

Division Analysis:

Division 1: 17 students

Division 2: 39 students

Division 3: 1 student

Division 4/Failures: 0

Notably, all students passed, with no failures or absentees recorded.

Top Performers:

1. Kiprotich Jesse (Index No. 003851/016)

Aggregate: 8 (Division 1)

2. Rotich Meshak (Index No. 003851/025)

Aggregate: 8 (Division 1)

3. Chelimo Estine (Index No. 003851/013)

Aggregate: 9 (Division 1)

Division Distribution by Gender:

Male Students:

Division 1: 10

Division 2: 22

Division 3: 0

Female Students:

Division 1: 7

Division 2: 17

Division 3: 1

Faith Homes Primary School continues to achieve excellent academic results, with its students excelling across the board in key subjects like English, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics.

The administration has commended teachers, parents, and students for their dedication and hard work, which contributed to this success.

Here’s the Full list for the 2024 PLE results for all 57 students from Faith Homes Primary School:
Index No. Name Sex English Science SST Math Aggregate Division
003851/001Chelangat Emmanuel KipropM4344152
003851/002Chelimo SamuelM7457232
003851/003Chekwech EstherF6656232
003851/004Chesuro ElijahM4433142
003851/005Arapcheptai ViniaM5444172
003851/006Chekwemoi ElizabethF4346172
003851/007Kibet RemmyM3332111
003851/008Chelangat Rhyan EphraimM3333121
003851/009Cherop JonathanM4457202
003851/010Chelimo Mary HopeF5556212
003851/011Cherotich JeniferF6556222
003851/012Kwemoi NobelM4344152
003851/013Chelimo EstineF223291
003851/014Chekwemoi ShammahF3346162
003851/015Cherop PriscillaF4558222
003851/016Kiprotich JesseM223181
003851/017Watyema EmmanuelM3345152
003851/018Chemusto PriscaF5556212
003851/019Chelimo PeaceF2336142
003851/020Chelangat BeckyF3332111
003851/021Cherop Jonathan KaleleM223291
003851/022Wanjiru AngelineF2334121
003851/023Esther Paula MusiwaF4445172
003851/024Adongo RuthF4545182
003851/025Rotich MeshakM222281
003851/026Kibet Japheth ChemtanyM3232101
003851/027Chelimo NemaF2334121
003851/028Kiprop Kabir IsmailM2334121
003851/029Chemutai PatienceF3346162
003851/030Chelangat ShedrackM4445172
003851/031Kipkoril JoshuaM4234132
003851/032Tongo EmmanuelM2224101
003851/033Chekwemboi MercyF5469243
003851/034Kari CalebM4333132
003851/035Kwemoi JerryM2243111
003851/036Adeke WinyfredF2245132
003851/037Mirembe Emily AbigaelF3547192
003851/038Musau Obed HiltonM3333121
003851/039Kiprop BeswelM3442132
003851/040Cheptoek BlessM6656232
003851/041Cheptoyek WalterM3444152
003851/042Chemonges EzekielM5457212
003851/043Chekwemoi RaelF5655212
003851/044Cherop DaisyF5557222
003851/045Cherop KeziahF4455182
003851/046Chemutai AiyatF4555192
003851/047Chepkwurui Daniel YonaM3242111
003851/048Cheptoek JerryM6356202
003851/049Limo MarkM4456192
003851/050Kiplangat Meshack VidicM6566232
003851/051Chelangat DaisyF2435142
003851/052Sikoria IsraelM3346162
003851/053Mangusho AndrewM2233101
003851/054Chemonges IsaacM3358192
003851/055Chebet Brian MwangaM3333121
003851/056Chemutai GloriaF4355172
003851/057Wanjiru FaithF4557212


One response to “UNEB PLE 2024 Results for Faith Homes Primary School, Kapchorwa District”

  1. Siwa Martin Avatar
    Siwa Martin


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